Well, our work is going pretty slow, but we're doing a lot more personal finding/contacting. It's so good, I love talking to people on the street, and knocking on doors. Some missionaries hate it, but it's one of my favorite things about missionary work! Just getting the word out! :) Ha.
Okay, lets see. First things first, someone tell Jher-bear (aka Jheremy Barber) that I say hello, and give him a little hug from me! I haven't heard much about him lately.
Also, do you remember Emily, my favorite Emily from Siena (/from England)? Well, she made me a little book! I took a picture with it. It's basically my favorite thing ever. I'll send y'all a picture (hopefully. I'm the worst at sending pictures lately, sorry!) It basically made me the happiest person ever :)
Also, we had Stake Conference the other day, and they thanked all of the missionaries, and then they told us, all of the missionaries, to thank our parents! Without your support/without you creating us, we wouldn't be here! And, I'm pretty sure 6% of people actually transmit these things when people are like, "Tell ..[so and so]... we said thanks." So, I wanted to be the 6% that transmits the message (I just made up that statistic by the way). My Stake here in Verona is super thankful for y'all, you cute genitori, you :)
Next, accidental verse find! Don't you love those? So, basically I wanted to find a good verse about the scriptures, and I read a reference and was trying to go to 2 Nefi 32:3-5, but instead I flipped to, and read 2 Nefi 33:3-5, and verse 4 ended up being PERFECT for what I needed! That verse had never stuck out to me before, but it was so good! Just the things that scripture study does for us, how it blesses us... so good :)
Also, the other day, we had correlazione, and an Anziano (Anziano Howell) started whistling a song... and then I died of happiness! He was whistling "Goin' Courtin'" from "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"! And then the next day all of the songs from that film were stuck in my head. Whoops! Haha.
Also, oh man, can you guess what? Let me tell you! So, we had Stake Conference this weekend... and do you know who came?! ENZO! Basically he's a member from COLLEGNO! He came because his girlfriend, who just got back from her mission, was asked to give a short testimony. It was SO good to have a little Collegno reminder! :) :) Super awesome!
Also also, babbo, basically since you know everyone in Florida, if you ever happen to meet a Susana De Ruvo tell me! I met her niece in the MTC. Her niece is from Bergamo (where we go to do scambi as STLs), and basically we could have a million connections if we just knew each other! Hahaha. I have no idea where in Florida she lives, but an Anziano told me she lives in Florida. Keep your eye out! :)
Also, I was reading in the BOM the other day... 2 Nefi 29 - SUCH a good BOLD chapter! I love it :) Basically, I read verse 9 and I love it oodles. "Poichè la mia opera non è ancora finita." Did you know that God said that? Not just Joseph Smith, or some man... God said his work is not finished! It needs to move forward! And it is! And we're (ALL - not just missionaries) moving it forward! How cool? I just loved that verse. I literally did a little fist pump when I read it.
Well, that's pretty much it. Yesterday was a super awesome day. Basically all of our plans, as soon as we walked out of the door, were thwarted... by the weather. I got soaked twice yesterday, and had to change clothes 3 times (the third time being the best... throwing together random shirts/skirts/shoes of a member). Hopefully I'll send pictures :) haha.
Well, Luke's in the MTC now. I'm super excited for him! I can't believe we're 3 out on missions right now! How crazy! So fun :)
Well, I'm gonna run, but I love y'all oodles, and one day I'll catch up on emailing everyone... sorry! Haha.
Vi voglio tanto bene!
Sorella Willis
PS: Basically, I can't email pictures today... it's not working for some reason. Would you hate me if one day I just emailed home pictures and didn't hardly write anything? Hahaha, I'm so behind on sending pictures, it would take a long time to send a bunch of them!
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The book Emily made me. I love her oodles! |
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ENZO (from Collegno!) - both Sorella Lyman and I served in Collegno, so we both love him :) |
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Twinners :) |
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